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Open AI Releases ChatGPT 4 Turbo

ChatGPT 4 Turbo

Explore the latest advancements in AI with ChatGPT 4 Turbo. OpenAI’s newest release promises enhanced interaction and superior performance.

ChatGPT 4 Turbo

GPT-4 Turbo, the latest AI model from OpenAI, now offers contextual information up to April 2023, compared to its predecessors, with a cutoff date of January 2022. This means that GPT-4 Turbo can provide answers to questions that were previously unanswerable due to the knowledge cutoff date. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman acknowledged the frustration caused by the previous models’ limited knowledge during a speech on Monday.
In addition to its expanded knowledge base, GPT-4 Turbo can handle significantly larger inputs. While earlier versions were limited to approximately 3,000 words, GPT-4 Turbo can accept inputs equivalent to 300 pages, allowing users to request summaries of entire books.

GPT-4 Turbo also supports DALL-E 3 AI-generated images and text-to-speech functionality. Users can choose from six preset voices to hear responses to their queries in various tones.

OpenAI has announced that GPT-4 Turbo is currently available in preview for developers and will be released to all users in the coming weeks. The company is also reducing prices for developers, making GPT-4 Turbo input tokens three times cheaper than GPT-4 at $0.01 and output tokens twice as cheap at $0.03. This price reduction should result in cost savings for companies and developers utilizing the AI models.

ChatGPT 4 Turbo New Features

GPT-4 Turbo, the latest AI model from OpenAI, introduces several significant enhancements over its predecessor, GPT-4. Developers design these improvements to enhance user interaction, extend the model’s capabilities, and reduce costs.

The major enhancements include:

  1. Expanded Knowledge Base: GPT-4 Turbo has an updated world knowledge up to April 2023, compared to GPT-4, which was trained on web data up to September 2021. This expanded knowledge base allows GPT-4 Turbo to provide more accurate answers to questions about recent events.
  2. Increased Context Window: GPT-4 Turbo offers a 128,000-token context window, which is four times the size of GPT-4’s. This translates to around 100,000 words or 300 pages, allowing for more extensive interactions and better memory over long conversations.
  3. Faster and Cheaper for Developers: GPT-4 Turbo is faster and cheaper for developers to utilize. It offers a price three times cheaper for input tokens and two times cheaper for output tokens compared to the older GPT-4 model.
  4. Support for DALL-E 3 AI-Generated Images and Text-to-Speech: GPT-4 Turbo supports DALL-E 3 AI-generated images and text-to-speech functionality. It also offers six preset voices for audio outputs.
  5. Improved Instruction Following and Parallel Function Calling: GPT-4 Turbo supports improved instruction following, JSON mode, and parallel function calling.
  6. Increased Input Length: While earlier versions limited inputs to about 3,000 words, GPT-4 Turbo can accept inputs equivalent to 300 pages, allowing users to request summaries of entire books.

These enhancements make GPT-4 Turbo a more powerful and versatile tool for developers and users alike, enabling more complex tasks and interactions.

Personalized chatbots

Previously, the enterprise and business offerings of ChatGPT were the sole avenues through which individuals could upload their own data for training and customizing the chatbot for specific industries and use cases. However, the company has now introduced a feature that allows anyone to create custom chatbots.

Artificial Intelligence “agents” have recently become a hot topic in the technology sector, with numerous startups competing to provide personalized AI tools that consumers may already be familiar with from popular culture, such as Tony Stark’s J.A.R.V.I.S. in Marvel movies or Pam in Disney Channel’s Smart House.

The company announced in a press release that anyone can easily build their own GPT without the need for coding.

You can create these for personal use, for internal company use, or for public use. The process of creating one is as simple as initiating a conversation, providing instructions and additional knowledge, and selecting its capabilities, such as web searching, image creation, or data analysis.

Over two million developers who are building their own tools using ChatGPT’s API will also have the ability to customize the chatbot. This means that consumers are likely to encounter personalized AI chatbots in a variety of places, including the apps and websites they frequently use.

What are the benefits of creating custom chatbots using ChatGPT

Creating custom chatbots using ChatGPT offers several benefits for businesses and users, including:

  1. Improved Customer Experience: Custom chatbots can provide personalized and accurate responses, enhancing customer satisfaction and engagement.
  2. 24/7 Support: Custom chatbots can offer uninterrupted online support, catering to global audiences across varied time zones and improving customer satisfaction.
  3. Brand Identity Alignment: Custom chatbots can mirror a business’s tone and accurately represent the brand, offering a consistent and unified customer experience.
  4. Cost Savings: Automating customer service tasks with custom chatbots reduces labor costs and improves efficiency, enabling staff to focus on complex issues.
  5. Real-time Responses: Custom chatbots can offer instant responses to customer queries, significantly improving customer satisfaction and engagement levels.
  6. Scalability: Custom chatbots can handle countless conversations simultaneously, ensuring efficiency as your business grows without added manpower or infrastructure costs.
  7. Integration: Custom chatbots can be integrated across various channels, offering a consistent experience for customers on multiple platforms.
  8. Personalization: Custom chatbots can adapt to individual users, providing tailored responses that create a unique and engaging experience.

These benefits make custom chatbots an invaluable tool for businesses looking to enhance customer service, streamline operations, and improve user experience.



Open AI’s version of the App Store

OpenAI is set to introduce a novel revenue stream with the launch of its own version of an application marketplace in response to the growing trend of users and developers creating personalized AI chatbots. This marketplace, known as the GPT Store, will provide a platform for creators to make their custom GPTs available for public download.

In the forthcoming months, OpenAI has announced that creators will have the opportunity to monetize their creations based on usage statistics. Once listed in the store, these GPTs will be searchable and have the potential to ascend the leaderboards, according to a company press release. OpenAI also plans to highlight the most beneficial and engaging GPTs in various categories, such as productivity, education, and entertainment.

Regarding the revenue distribution for creators whose custom chatbots which will be featured in the store, the company initially plans to share a portion of the overall subscription revenue. OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman, stated in a press briefing on Monday that the company is considering a payout structure based on active users and category bonuses, with the possibility of supporting subscriptions for specific GPTs in the future.

Altman further emphasized that OpenAI’s core business proposition is the sale of intelligence. He suggested that the company’s future trajectory would focus on intelligent agents, reflecting the evolving nature of the AI industry.

New all-in-one image-generation, browsing, and summarization

Before Monday, users of ChatGPT had to navigate through various applications and websites to fully utilize all of OpenAI’s tools, inadvertently increasing the learning curve. However, on Monday, OpenAI announced a significant enhancement to its user experience by consolidating its AI tools into a single platform.

Now, users can leverage ChatGPT for a range of functions, including image generation via DALL-E, browsing, data analysis, document upload, and PDF search. This integrated approach significantly simplifies the user experience and increases the utility of the platform.

Prior to this development, Anthropic’s chatbot, Claude, was the sole competitor in the market, offering the capability to search PDFs. This move by OpenAI not only matches this feature but also provides a comprehensive suite of tools in one place, thereby enhancing its competitive position in the market.

In light of the increasing legal actions related to generative AI, OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman, made a significant announcement on Monday. He stated that OpenAI will intervene and bear the costs in the event of legal claims pertaining to copyright infringement to support its customers.

This pledge mirrors similar commitments previously made by other tech giants such as Google, Microsoft, and Adobe, further emphasizing OpenAI’s dedication to its user base and its proactive stance on legal matters in the rapidly evolving field of generative AI.